About Judy
Judy's passion for counseling began years ago when she became a Licensed Massage Practitioner and began to see the need for combining bodywork with emotional healing in her practice. She felt the desire to help clients with their emotional issues instead of referring out, so started her counseling career as a clinical hypnotherapist in private practice, assisting people with issues such as grief and loss, addictions, inner child work, parts work (for those with dissociative issues), trauma work, and abuse work. Later, Judy received her graduate degree in Psychology and became a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with the State of WA. She worked for three years as a counselor with YWCA Pathways Counseling, before returning to private practice.
CLINICAL Background Information
theoretical orientation
Judy's theoretical orientation can be described as eclectic, in that she merges aspects of Cognitive Behavioral, Client Centered and Strength Centered Counseling, as well as aspects of Transpersonal Therapy, including a form of hypnotherapy informed by Gestalt, Regression Therapy, and Psychosynthesis, called Alchemical Hypnotherapy.
- Master of Arts in Psychology Mental Health Counseling from Antioch University, Seattle
- Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Washington
- Clinical Hypnotherapist, 15 years
- Mental Health Professional
Current AffiliatioNS
- Washington Mental Health Counselor’s Association
- American Mental Health Counselor’s Association
Licenced Massage Practitioner, State of Washington, 22 years
American Massage Therapy Association